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My husband and I were living the picture perfect life after 5 years of marriage when he was hit with a massive stroke in 2010. He ended up having a craniotomy and was left paralyzed on the left side and legally blind. I was 9 months pregnant at the time with our second child. He was in the hospital for 3 months 4 hours away from us. It has been a roller coaster. Although we never wished this to happen, we have seen so many blessings in our life since his stroke. We are trying to learn all that we must and trying to keep the faith and have a positive attitude. This blog is a place that I can share things that I have learned and continue to learn. You can contact us at kary_sharee@yahoo.com. Read about our experience here http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/karysmith

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday Reflection

Wow. I don't want to go into too much detail but we have had some things occur in the last day or two that have been extremely humbling. What I can say is that our faith and testimony in Christ have once again been strengthened. Also, we are extremely grateful that there are such great people in this world who epitomize what it means to be a true follower of Christ.  This whole experience with Kary having a stroke has opened our eyes to so many different things.  It has made us want to be better people.  Mostly because of the awe inspiring example of others. 

I have recieved a witness this weekend that our Father in Heaven does know us.  He knows our situation and the struggles we are going through.  He knows it is not easy.  But He also knows that it is for our good.  The Holy Ghost has witnessed to me this weekend that God will help us through our trials.  He has not left us alone to endure this trial on our own.  He knows His children, and those who follow Him and trust in Him are placed strategically by Him in this world exactly where they need to be and when they need to be there. I'm grateful for the people that God has placed in our lives.  These MANY MANY people have NO idea how much they mean to us and how much their love and support helps us keep going forward and helps us stay positive.

I know my Savior lives.  I know He loves me.  He loves us all.  I hope that I can share with others the joy and peace that following Him and worshipping Him and trusting in Him brings me and my family.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reflecting on 2 years ago

I have just been looking over the pictures of Kary from two years ago and it's such a miracle that he is where he is right now emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I love this time of year as we get to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Also at this same time since it is so near the onset of Kary's stroke 2 years ago I can't help but reflect on that event as well.

Tonight our son said our family prayer for the evening and like he does every time he prays he asked for Daddy to be able to move his left arm and leg. We are happy to report to you that Kary is beginning to be able to lift his arm up from his shoulder out. Kary told our son that he knows why he has been able to lift his arm up recently. He told our son that it was because of our son's prayers in his behalf. Our son has bronchitis right now too and he prayed that he would get better. After Kary told our son the reason for his arm raising, our son replied, "Yep, we just have to have faith." Out of the mouth's of babes. I'm so glad that our son has a testimony of prayer and that God hears and answers our prayers.

I want to take the time to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support. It means the world to us. We have truly been blessed to have so many wonderful people be a part of our lives.

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and again offer our many thanks for all of you and your love and support. May we all let Jesus into our lives and experience the joy that comes from following His ways.

Much love,

Kary and Sharee Smith Family

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Reflection: What Think Ye of Christ?

In the October 2011 general conference, Elder Dallin H. Oaks began his address by quoting a profoundly important question the Savior asked long ago: “What think ye of Christ?” (Matthew 22:42).
Elder Oaks then declared, “With those same words I ask my fellow Latter-day Saints and other Christians what you really believe about Jesus Christ and what you are doing because of that belief.”
This Christmas season, take time to consider what you believe about Jesus Christ and how that belief shapes your life. You could watch or listen to Elder Oaks’s conference address .

I will quote one of my favorite hymns as it portrays the way I feel about my Savior much more adequately than I could express myself.  It is the words to the song, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" Feel free to watch this video and listen to the beautiful words here

"1. I know that my Redeemer lives.
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, he lives, who once was dead.
He lives, my ever-living Head.
He lives to bless me with his love.
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives my hungry soul to feed.
He lives to bless in time of need.
2. He lives to grant me rich supply.
He lives to guide me with his eye.
He lives to comfort me when faint.
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears.
He lives to wipe away my tears.
He lives to calm my troubled heart.
He lives all blessings to impart.
3. He lives, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing.
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
He lives and grants me daily breath.
He lives, and I shall conquer death.
He lives my mansion to prepare.
He lives to bring me safely there.
4. He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
“I know that my Redeemer lives!”
He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
“I know that my Redeemer lives!”
Text: Samuel Medley, 1738–1799. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835

I truly love my Savior. I want to do what is right and follow His commandments. I know that I fall short a lot. Every day. But, I'm so grateful that I'm able to repent and try and do better each day. Jesus told us to love one another as He loves us. Some of my goals are to be more kind, more gentle, less judgemental, and serve others more often.

I love the Christmas season because it is a time that we unite in joyous remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ . May the Holy Ghost witness to us the truthfulness of His birth and His earthly mission and invite us all to come unto Him and be His true disciples in every word and deed; not just through the Christmas season but every day of our lives.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Reflections: He doth immediately bless you

Okay, so tonight I read from the Book of Mormon a powerful address given by a king to his people.  King Benjamin.  What an awesome man he was and a righteous leader.   He was getting old and knew he would soon die and so he wished to address the people in his kingdom.   He talked about how he had labored with his own hands to serve his people and that he had not sought gold nor riches of them. He had ruled with equity and fairness and tried to teach his people to keep the commandments of God.   He said these things not to boast of himself but for them to learn that when they are in the service of their fellow beings they are in the service of their God. (Mosiah 2:17)  He talks about how indebted we are to God for giving us breath, and supporting us from one moment to another.

I'll quote Mosiah 2 vs. 23-24...

"23 And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and granted unto you your lives, for which ye are indebted unto him.
 24 And secondly, he doth arequire that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bbless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever;..."

I found this statement "He doth immediately bless you" if we do as God commands interesting because as I look back in my life I have definitely seen how God has immediately blessed me in my life as I have tried to keep his commandments and do His will and not my own. 

Here is one example:  After I returned home from serving 18 months as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in California I was 23 years old and was pretty clueless as to what I was to do next with my life.  Before my mission I had recieved an Associates degree in Arts and Sciences.  When I returned from the mission I had NO desire to go back to school whatsoever.  I wanted to find me a man, get married, and settle into family life....like everyone else in my family seemed to have done so easily.  I thought this was a pretty righteous desire.  However, I had the thought come to me and I know this thought came from Heavenly Father in answer to my prayers as to what to do with my life, that I would not get married until I finished school...meaning for me to finish 2 more years of school.  I was like, "What? No, no, no!!  I don't like school!  I'm not good at it.  I don't want to!  I can get married before I finish school.  I'm cute enough...I can find someone before I have to do that."  (Seriously, these were my thoughts...ha ha!)  The impression in my mind was very firm.  But, I'm a little stubborn.  Those of you who know me can vouch for that.  So, what did I do?  Enroll in school?  Nope.  I got me a job as a full time receptionist, went to a singles ward (a place where only single people in our church attend meetings), and thought for sure that would land me a man.  Well, two years later....nothing.....not even a serious boyfriend.  (just a bunch of weirdos!)  So, I finally come crawling with my head down and say, "Okay, Heavenly Father, you were right.  I'm not going to get married until I finish my degree.  I'll do it your way."  So, I enrolled in school...2 years later finish up my Bachelors in Behavioral Science....  Now here comes the "he doth immediately bless you" part....  The VERY day, repeat...the VERY day I graduated from college is the day I met Kary.  NO KIDDING!!!!!  After this experience I have really tried to trust in God and His plan for me.  It hasn't always been exactly what MY plan would have been.  But it is my testimony that He definitely knows best and He DOES immediately bless us when we do His will and keep His commandments. I try not to be stubborn anymore because I know He is all knowing and sees the big picture and knows what is best for me. I hope others can learn from my stubborness and not be too stubborn.  =)

Here is another example....we have been commanded to pay our tithing which is ten percent of our income to the Lord through His church.  I think I've told this one before, but after Kary and I had Colton we decided I should stay home and be with him.  So, I had quit my job and we relied only on Kary's income.  At the time, this was very hard on us financially.  We were always in the red at the end of the month.  We both had gained testimonies of paying our tithing before but this would really put us to the test.  Kary decided to get another job so that I could stay at home.  The very day that he was supposed to start his second job his boss from the 1st job found out about it and told Kary not to take this second job and gave Kary a very significant raise.  An immediate blessing from paying tithing.

These are just a couple examples of the many witnesses I have had of keeping God's commandments and doing His will and being blessed immediately.  I know it is God's will for us to experience our current situation.  I know he blesses us on a daily basis in so many ways.  I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father and that I can rely on Him.  What peace and comfort that knowledge brings to me. 

Just a final quote from King Benjamin in the same chapter..vs. 41 "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Reflections: Eternal Marriage

Today is our 7th Anniversary! We feel so blessed that we are able to celebrate this day together! Every day together is a blessing. Seven years ago we were married in the Idaho Falls Temple. This was a special place and event for us because we were not married until "death do us part", but we were sealed together for time and all eternity by one with the authority from God to seal on earth and in Heaven.

Knowing we will be together not only in this life but the next also brings me much comfort and peace.  Kary is my best friend.  There is no other person that I would rather be with or spend time with.  We were kidding around tonight and I was like, "I hope you like me because you are stuck with me forever."  Kary said, "I more than like you.  I love you."   Tonight Kary told me that he wishes he could do more for me right now and can't and it makes him feel bad.  I told him that the only thing that matters to me is being with him.  I don't care about flowers and gifts and fine dining.  He said, "Yeah, but you deserve so much more."  He's so sweet to me.  I know he loves me and I'm so grateful for him and the love and support he gives me on a daily basis.  He prays for me every day to not feel overwhelmed with all that I have to do.  Knowing that he prays for me strengthens me each day.  He is also always reminding me to do things because he knows I have so much on my mind that I easily forget.  He knows me.  He understands me.  He is patient with me.  He is forgiving of me.  I'm the luckiest girl in the world. 

I am so glad that God has a plan for husbands and wives to be married not for just time but for eternity. God does not wish for us to part at death and no longer continue one of our most important relationships.  How sad I would be if I could not have our relationship last after this life.  I almost lost Kary in death.  It would have hurt me terribly to be parted from him.   I know that someday death may seperate us for time, but how comforting it is to me that we can continue our relationship in the next life if we keep the covenants that we made in the temple that day seven years ago. 
I look forward to spending this life and eternity with Kary.  

Click here to find out more about what our church teaches about eternal marriage.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Reflection: Forgiveness

Well I have had a bit of a rough night tonight. I just want to be the perfect Mommy but I'm so far from it. I wish I could go one day without having to raise my voice or get upset with my children, one in particular. I struggle so much with patience. I keep praying to have it because I need it and God keeps giving and giving me experiences so that I can exercise patience, but I just haven't been able to come close to mastering it. I get so mad at myself for failing time and time again. I fail every day it seems like.

Anyway, this has me thinking of forgiveness. The reason being...no matter how mad I get at my son or often I get after him and lose my temper with him, he always forgives me. It always amazes me that he will even ever look at me again or hug me and give me kisses after the way I treat him sometimes. (I know I'm not painting a very pretty picture of myself right now but I have to admit that I lose it sometimes.) After all the yelling and getting upset tonight I crept in the room where he was finally asleep and kissed his little head and told him I was sorry. He half awakens and says, "It's okay." Bless his little heart. How much I need that forgiveness from him. What a great example he is to me. How much better I need to be at forgiving those who might offend me. In the past I have been a big grudge holder. Through some not so great experiences, I have learned it is better to forgive than to hold on to things and let them fester inside. No matter how right we feel we are. The only people we hurt by not forgiving others is ourselves.

In section 64 of the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord makes the following statement:

“Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin.
“I, the Lord, will forgive whom I forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.” (D&C 64:9–10.)

When we do not forgive it becomes a burden upon our shoulders that weighs us down. (I'm speaking from experience, unfortunately.)

I have many many shortcomings. Many of them came to the surface tonight. I'm full aware of them. But as I sit and contemplate my shortcomings tonight I'm grateful that I can go to my Father in Heaven in prayer and ask for His forgiveness. And like my dear son who said, "It's okay." I know that God will forgive me also. Each day can begin anew. We just have to try our hardest each day to do better. No one is perfect. We are allowed to keep trying and eventually Christ will make up the difference. The important thing is that we don't give up. No matter how awful our sin we can be forgiven if we repent because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

“There is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come: yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world.” (Hel. 5:9.)

In recalling the words which Amulek spoke to Zeezrom, Helaman emphasized man’s part in obtaining forgiveness—repenting of his sins:

“He said unto him that the Lord surely should come to redeem his people, but that he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem them from their sins.

“And he hath power given unto him from the Father to redeem them from their sins because of repentance.”

I'm truly grateful for the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the forgiveness that I am able to recieve from my Father because Jesus suffered and died for me. He has paid the price for me. I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who has sent two dear children to teach me how to be more forgiving of others.

May we endeavor to become like little children and easily forgive as God forgives us. May we remember that no matter the sin or shortcoming that we can be forgiven if we repent and come unto Christ and be perfected through Him.

Here is a little video clip of an example of forgiveness.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunday Reflection: He'll Carry You

I have gained a lot of strength from others' examples of enduring trials. I guess one of the purposes of this blog is to share what I'm learning through our trials. If anyone can gain peace and comfort from anything that is written, I'm truly grateful. I truly want people to experience the same blessings that I have recieved from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This song, "He'll Carry You" speaks to my heart. I have felt my Savior carry me through each day. The strength that people might see in me is not my own. I am strengthened by Him daily. I'm grateful that I don't have to bear my burdens alone. I have said before in an earlier post that the burdens seemed heavy for me to bear that this trial brought on. I knew I couldn't do it by myself. I am weak. I'm grateful for the strength He gives me.

There is a picture in this video that shows Christ standing at the door knocking. The door does not have a door knob. It must be opened on the other side. He is always there waiting for us to open the door to Him. It is up to us whether or not to let Him into our lives. He will never fail us. When others disappoint and fail us; Christ never will. I guess the invitation is to "Let Him In".

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Faith Reflection

Well, we had a bit of a scare yesterday with my husband.  I had just got home from picking up my son from school and sat down at the computer to do some learning activities with my little girl.  My husband had been sleeping but all of a sudden I heard him call my name, "Sharee!"  I could tell it was a cry for help and had no idea what I would find when I ran into the bedroom.  I found Kary had fallen on top of the bed and the wheelchair and was having a seizure. I called for my 6 yr old son to call 911 and he sounded very anxious when he said, "I don't know which one is the 9."  So I told him to bring me the phone and he did and then I asked him to stay out in the living room with his sister.  Meanwhile Kary is still seizing and due to his weight is starting to fall between the wheelchair and the bed.  I'm trying to hold him up as I dial 911.  Got them called and then I knew I had to get Kary down to the floor by myself somehow without hurting him and making sure his arms wouldn't get twisted or turned wrong. As I'm still holding him I pushed the wheelchair aside best I could and started lowering him down while he's seizing.  His left arm got stuck in between the two wheelchairs wheels and his whole body was twisted so i had to try and untangle him from the wheels and then got back behind him and grabbed his legs to try and straigthen out his body.  The police man got there and helped me turn him onto his back.  Then the EMT got there and got him on the stretcher.  Luckily our neighbor had come and stayed with the kids while this was all going on. Kary started to come to as they were taking him to the ambulance .  Anyway, we found out that due to a flu bug or some kind of stomach issue that Kary had an infection in his stomach.  Gastroenteritis or something like that.  So they put him on antibiotics.  So, being dehydrated and having flu like symptoms his seizure medicine just wasn't able to absorb like it should.  I stayed the night with Kary at the hospital and they just watched him and kept fluids in him all night and the next day and then made sure he could hold his food down which he did after he recieved the antibiotics.  We got home about 3:30 or so I think.  Anyways, before this happened I had been thinking about the people in my life that have trials.  It seems like they just keep getting trial after trial after trial and I was just thinking to myself, "These people should be exempt from experiencing more trials because they already have it so tough why are they given more on top of what they already have?"  I don't know why it happens like that but I just know it happens so I had a thought that I need to be prepared because life was seeming pretty comfortable and that though I would like to be exempt from more trials, I am not.  Then this happens.  Though it was a shock to my system that it was happening I was not overly stressed.  I've had a feeling of peace and calmness, especially after a priesthood blessing was given to Kary. I knew that it happened for a reason and that God would help us through it.  I was even able to sleep pretty well which is amazing! Then tonight we read in Hebrews Chapter 11.  It's about faith.  How fitting to read this chapter tonight.  VS 1. "Faith is the assurance (JST) of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen."  We are required to walk by faith in this life.  Faith in our Father above and Faith in our Savior to save and lift us up. We don't always know what God has planned for us.  It takes a lot of faith to trust in His plan.  Many times His plan is very different from what we envision for ourselves.  But, in my own personal experience, God's plan always ends up better than what I would have envisioned for myself.  I don't know how our experience and trials right now are better than what it would have been had it not happened, but I have faith that it is.  God knows best.   I loved the examples that this chapter gave of the many people who exercised their faith in God to do something that may have seemed impossible to them to do.  Abraham was asked to offer his own son as a sacrifice.  Wow!  That would have been a toughy!! What faith he had to do it! Moses, by faith, chose to "suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures  of sin for a season;" This chapter gives so many wonderful examples!!
I especially love vs 40(JST) "God having provided some better things for them through their sufferings, for without sufferings they could not be made perfect."  Can I just say, "WOW!!"
God allows us to have trials for our betterment.  He wants us to live with Him someday.  He knows what it will take to get us there.  If we have FAITH in Him and do our part and follow His commandments SO GREAT WILL BE OUR REWARD IN HEAVEN.  This knowledge is what helps me through each day.  It's not easy, but by faith in my father above I KNOW it will all be worth it in the end.  As the apostle Paul has said, we will be able to say, "I have fought a good afight, I have bfinished my course, I have kept the faith"!!!  AWESOME!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday Reflections: Be an Example of the Believers

 I wasn't able to attend church today because my husband was sick.  Colton was sick last week so we missed last week too.  I feel such a difference when I'm not able to recharge my spiritual batteries.  Anyway, I'm glad I'm still able to read my scriptures and lessons and feel uplifted that way.  My sister, Lanae, shared with me a quote for next week's lesson that I really liked.  It's by Ruth B. Wright from October 1991 General Conference, "In Timothy (4:12), we are admonished to be an example of the believers. A believer is someone who follows and knows the teachings of Christ not only in his mind but also in his heart and whose actions are a witness of that belief. It isn't easy to be an example of the believers.  We don't usually wake up in the morning and say, 'Today, I'm going to be an example of the believers!'  Yet, we can say, 'Today, I will be kind and thoughtful, or considerate, or honest, or whatever quality I need to work on.'  And then we will try hard all day to make a conscious effort to do so. That's what we can do!  We can live in such a way that people can look to us as their examples.
To be a good example of a principle, we must not only understand it, but we must live that principle. It should be such a part of our every day living that without consciously thinking about it, the principle is reflected in the way we live.  To be true examples of believers, we are first committed inwardly to the principle of Christ that our actions reflect. For example, if we are dedicated to the principle of family prayer, we as parents pray regularly with our family. Hopefully, our children will recognize our devotion and dependence on prayer and pattern their prayers after this example.
Each of us can feel our Savior's love through the righteous example of others.  We, too, can strive to live in such a way that we can be examples of the believers."
I'm so grateful for the examples of believers I have had in my life that have helped strengthen my own testimony.  I have a long way to go but I really want to improve so many things in my life so that I can be a better example of the believers.  The great thing about this life is that we can try each day to improve.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sunday Reflections: Teachings of Paul to Ephesians

Okay, so I'm loving studying about the Apostle Paul.  He's so awesome.  Thanks to my sister who teaches Sunday School and her excitement about all she is learning to get me excited about it too...because it is just that...exciting!  I think I'll talk about what I've learned in just a few chapters otherwise it will be a very very long post. 

In Ephesians chapter one Paul writes a letter to the saints in Ephesus.  He talks of how saints are foreordained to recieve the gospel (vs 1-9) He then says in vs. 10, "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him."

What does this phrase "dispensation of the fulness of times" mean?  Let's ask first...what is a dispensation of the gospel?  According to the Bible Dictionary,
"A dispensation of the gospel is a period of time in which the Lord has at least one authorized servant on the earth who bears the holy priesthood and the keys, and who has a divine commission to dispense the gospel to the inhabitants of the earth. When this occurs, the gospel is revealed anew, so that people of that dispensation do not have to depend basically on past dispensations for knowledge of the plan of salvation. There have been many gospel dispensations since the beginning. The Bible suggests at least one dispensation identified with Adam, another with Enoch, another with Noah, and so on with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus with his apostles in the meridian of time.

Okay, so here is the really exciting stuff in the Bible Dictionary that answers the question of what the dispensation of the fulness of times that Paul was talking about means, "The fulness of times is the final dispensation, and began with the revelation of the gospel to Joseph Smith. It is a dispensation of restoration and of fulfillment of the Lord’s plans and purposes since the world began. There are also things reserved for the fulness of times that have not been revealed previously (D&C 121:26–32; 124:41). It is a glorious time, the time in which we live today (see Acts 3:19–21; D&C 27:13; 110:11–16; 112:14–32; 128:18–21; 136:37–40)."

We, my dear friends, are living in the dispensation of the fulness of times that Paul prophesied about.  Yee-haw!  This is cool!  Our Father in Heaven is gathering together in one all things in Christ.  I love vs. 17-23.  Father in Heaven has made Christ the Head of the Church. 

Okay, so that's the message I got from just chapter 1.  Let's go on to Chapter 2 of Ephesians.
Paul teaches the Ephesians that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ.  He also goes on to teach that the blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike. Once we have accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ we are as it says in vs 19, "no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;"  

Now this next verse is very key to Christ's church on the earth today.  Paul teaches that not only do we become fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God, but we are also (vs 20) "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone."
I love this testimony given of Christ by one of His prophets in this dispensation of the fulness of times, President Gordon B. Hinckley, "

The Cornerstone

He is the chief cornerstone of the Church that bears His name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved (see Acts 4:12). He is the Author of our salvation, the Giver of eternal life (see Hebrews 5:9). There is none to equal Him. There never has been. There never will be. Thanks be to God for the gift of His Beloved Son, who gave His life that we might live and who is the chief, immovable cornerstone of our faith and His Church."

Christ is the head of His Church.  His Church IS built upon a foundation of apostles and prophets today as it was anciently. Just as Paul taught.

What is the importance of being built upon a foundation of apostles and prophets in our day?  Paul teaches in vs 14, "that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to decieve;" 

My dear friends, we do have a church today that is led by Christ through Prophets and Apostles.  How exciting is that????  We do not have to be tossed to and fro.  We can know all of the truth's of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I invite you to click on this link and learn more about God's prophets and apostles on the earth today.  It's exciting!  All the world should know!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Fire

I have mentioned this before I believe but again it is coming to mind.  Before Kary's stroke I felt like I was just going through the motions when I was at church.  I had a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ but I just didn't feel the fire.  Unfortunately it took an experience like this to light the fire underneath me.  I feel the fire now and I'm grateful.  You can't go through a trial like ours and not want to sing the song of redeeming love for our Savior.  I also think that we have experiences or trials like these to learn and grow...to become better followers of Christ and not keep these experiences to ourselves but to share with others what we are learning.  I want to be like Alma the Younger in vs 9-10 of chapter 9 when he says, "
 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do anot bglory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
 10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember awhat the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me."

I think most people who have felt the love of the Savior and known the blessings that come from following Him wish they could share the joy and blessings that have come to them through following Him.  I love hearing other's stories of conversion to the Savior and His gospel.  Recently heard Sheila Walsh on the radio the other day and was totally inspired by her story.  We also have trials in our lives to help us be more compassionate towards others who may be experiencing similiar trials to our own.  I'm grateful for the people in my life who share their testimonies of the Savior with me.  I'm grateful for the scriptures that uplift and edify and teach me of God's plan.

I don't really know what the purpose of this post is....these were just some of my thoughts I had as I was studying tonight.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Simple Reflections: The Apostle Paul a GREAT example

So, I studied the lesson for tomorrow's Sunday School Lesson and really enjoyed it.  We have many great examples in the scriptures.  Paul is definitely one of them.  Very interesting to me that he was one who had persecuted the saints and was one who also helped in the stoning of Stephen.  He was on his way to Damascus to further his persecution when he saw a vision of Jesus Christ that altered his life forever.  He became a great witness of Jesus Christ and His gospel. He was a great missionary. Throughout his missionary journeys, he was rejected and persecuted. But Paul stood firm in the faith and courageously bore testimony of Jesus Christ.

I think it is amazing that God would choose someone who had so persecuted the saints, but I think he knew that once Paul gained a testimony of his own that he would not falter.  He was stalwart and true.  He knew that he had seen a vision that day and he could not deny the things that he had seen. He had been called of God and yet still people denied the teachings of Christ taught by Paul.  As Christians, when we read the bible, we think to ourselves, "Why on earth wouldn't those people just listen to Paul?  He's called of God.  He's teaching truth.  Why do they not accept it?  Why do they deny it?  Their lives would be so much greater if they would accept the true teachings of Jesus Christ."  Why do people reject the teachings of Christ?  Maybe they are comfortable in their lifestyle and don't want to have to change because maybe it would mean having to give up certain things they currently enjoy doing.  Maybe it would mean giving up traditions.  I don't know.

The story of Paul also reminds me of the Prophet Joseph Smith who saw a vision of God, the Father, and His son, Jesus Christ.  Joseph also thought of the apostle Paul in his experience.  In his own words this is what Joseph said, "
 23 It caused me serious reflection then, and often has since, how very strange it was that an obscure aboy, of a little over fourteen years of age, and one, too, who was doomed to the necessity of obtaining a scanty maintenance by his daily blabor, should be thought a character of sufficient importance to attract the attention of the great ones of the most popular sects of the day, and in a manner to create in them a spirit of the most bitter cpersecution and dreviling. But strange or not, so it was, and it was often the cause of great sorrow to myself.
 24 However, it was nevertheless a fact that I had beheld a avision. I have thought since, that I felt much like Paul, when he made his defense before King Agrippa, and related the account of the vision he had when he saw a light, and heard a voice; but still there were but few who believed him; some said he was dishonest, others said he was bmad; and he was ridiculed and reviled. But all this did not destroy the reality of his vision. He had seen a vision, he knew he had, and all the cpersecution under heaven could not make it otherwise; and though they should persecute him unto death, yet he knew, and would know to his latest breath, that he had both seen a light and heard a voice speaking unto him, and all the world could not make him think or believe otherwise.
 25 So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two aPersonages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was bhated and cpersecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me dfalsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not edeny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation."

Having the knowledge I do of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ I want to be a great missionary like Paul. I want to share my knowledge with those I love and care about most.  Just as I ask why the people in Paul's day rejected his message as an apostle of the Lord, I wonder, " Why on earth won't people just listen to the message restored through Joseph Smith?  He was called of God.  He taught truth.  Why do they not accept it?  Why do they deny it?  Their lives would be so much greater if they would accept the true teachings of Jesus Christ."  Maybe it's because they have not been given the chance to learn more about it.  This is my invitation to all my friends and family:  Will you hear the words of a man that has been called of God, just like the apostle Paul, and find out the truth's of the gospel that have been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith?  There are young men everywhere that have been called as the Lord's servants to teach the truth's of His gospel.... You can click on one of the buttons on the right of this blog or you can contact me with questions you may have as well.

It does take great courage to be a witness of Christ. Paul was a great example of that.  He went from being a persecutor of the gospel to being a great teacher and disciple of Christ.   Through it all the Lord was with Paul and told him to "be of good cheer."   May we all be like the apostle Paul and be witnesses of Jesus Christ in all situations. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Daily Scripture

My family and I are currently studying the New Testament and I am personally studying the Book of Mormon. I'm going to post a scripture each day or two that stands out to me in my reading. Tonight I just happened to open to Revelations. Very fascinating book that I'm now excited to get to in our family study, yet a little fearful too because some of the stuff that happens in the end seems kind of scary. I did come upon this page by Bruce R. Mconkie that sums the book of Revelations up pretty well.  Very interesting!  Anyway, that's beside my point.  Here is something from my read in the Book of Mormon tonight: Mosiah 4: 41  These are the words of a righteous King named Benjamin unto the people of his kingdom before he leaves the earth and bestows his kingdom upon his son. He counsels them to serve their heavenly King,

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."  

I like this scripture because part of what motivates me to keep God's commandments is not only my love for God but I truly want to be able to experience never-ending happiness.  I don't think I can really comprehend what that means exactly but I want it.  I think of the times when I'm the most happy which is when I'm with my family and/or  Kary's family and we are having fun just being together.  It's always a let down when we all have to go home.  So a feeling of never ending happiness and never having to have that let down feeling is something I look forward to.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Reflections: Be of Good Cheer

My Mom's side of the family has a motto that we strive to live by. It is, "Be of Good Cheer!"  We have the quote from Thomas S. Monson and there are several scriptures also that remind us of this. Here are a few of my favorites:

D&C 68:5-6 "Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.
  Wherefore, be of good acheer, and do not bfear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I cwas, that I am, and that I am to come"

D&C 78:18 "And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.  the kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours."

John 16:33 “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Marvin J. Ashton wrote, "Good cheer is a state of mind or mood that promotes happiness or joy....With God’s help, good cheer permits us to rise above the depressing present or difficult circumstances. It is a process of positive reassurance and reinforcement. It is sunshine when clouds block the light."

I love that.  In each of these scriptures we are reminded to "be of good cheer" because Jesus is there for us.   We don't have to carry our burdens alone.  We each have burdens or trials that we carry on our shoulders. Life doesn't always turn out the way we plan.  "Things" happen (that's putting it mildly...ha ha) that sometimes we just don't have control over.  Knowing that we have a loving Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ by our side really does provide a way for us to still experience joy.  The Lord will stand by us, he will lead us along.  We have the promise of eternal riches and blessings. This knowledge brings ME personally so much hope, which in turn allows me to feel cheerful and bright about each day and about our future.  If I didn't have this knowledge then I would probably be a cloud of gloom and doom. Life would be plum depressing.  But nope, I choose to trust in Father above and lean on my Savior.  This is what brings me happiness and hope for my family now and the future.

 Let us all "BE OF GOOD CHEER!"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I just have felt so grateful today for the wonderful people who have helped us since Kary's stroke. It is so humbling to think about how good people are and what great examples they are to me and my family of what it really means to love one another and to serve one another. Our neighbors are especially good to us. I don't know what we would do without them. We have complete strangers doing things for us at least on a monthly basis. This morning we had a couple of men from this great community cut our dead tree down and cut off some dead branches off another tree. We've had people bring us vegetables galore, we've had people bring us meals. We've had people lend machinery to fix our leaking pipe. I just really hope everyone knows how grateful we are. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel in our hearts for the love and service rendered to us on a daily basis.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Reflections: The Book of Mormon

I have mentioned before of my love for the Book of Mormon. One of the General Authorities, Tad R Callister in the the most recent General Conference , spoke of the importance of the Book of Mormon. Click here to read it. He says everything I would want to say but better.  One Christmas holiday my Grandma Mortimer came to stay with us and she talked of her love and testimony of the Book of Mormon.  After hearing her, for the first time, I had a great desire to read the Book of Mormon, and learn for myself what was inside it's pages.  I opened its pages with excitement and read it and it was like a great novel that I could hardly put down. I gained a testimony of this book.  One scripture that stood out to me that helped me gain a testimony that it was written for us in our day was written by Moroni, the book’s last writer, speaking to us he said, ‘Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.’ (Morm. 8:35.)  I have grown to love this Book and have read it many times since that first time.  Each time I gain new insights.  There is always something in it for me.   Answers to prayers, comforting words, and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ.  I know  many people who are not members of our faith have been taught and told to be afraid of this book.  I think they must not know what is in its pages because if they did they would be trying to share it with everyone.  I challenge all my friends and family to read this book for yourselves and pray about it and you, too, will gain a testimony of it's truthfulness.

 A basic background of the Book of Mormon: "The Book of Mormon is a book of scripture similar to the Bible. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. The Bible principally discusses the lives and teachings of ancient Israel. The Book of Mormon contains the writings of several groups who came to the Americas, including a family who left Jerusalem in 600 B.C. These people were also descendants of the house of Israel. Thus the Bible and Book of Mormon were written by people of the same heritage but in different parts of the world.

Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is more than a historical account. It contains “the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ” (D&C 20:9): the teachings, doctrines, and prophecies that testify of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. "  This excerpt taken from here.

Here are some scriptures that have helped me in my lifetime:

I was shown this acronym S.M.I.L.E in this scripture , 2 Nephi 9:39 "39 O, my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness in transgressing against that Holy God, and also the awfulness of yielding to the enticings of that cunning one. Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal,"  while I was on my mission to Carlsbad, California.  There were some great times and rough times while serving the Lord and teaching His gospel.  This scripture helped me then and still helps me now to remember to SMILE and keep an eternal perspective.  Having an eternal, spiritual perspective allows us to SMILE because we know that, though this life is hard, if we persevere and endure our trials that God will bless us immeasurably in this life and especially in the life to come.

Also as a missionary these two chapters were the words that equalled the thoughts in my heart.  I underlined almost every verse in the chapters. 2 Nephi 32-33

I have loved this scripture and have felt the Lord strengthen me and help me bear my burdens. Mosiah 24:15, "15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."

There are so many passages in the Book of Mormon that testify to me of Christ that I will just pick a couple of the very very many that I have underlined,  Mosiah 3: 17-19, This is an account of Jesus's appearance to the people in America: 3 Nephi 11-18

I guess I just want to say how much I love this book.  I know that it is the word of God.  Again, I invite all my friends and family to read this book and find the knowledge, comfort, and answers to prayers for themselves that I have found.  I am willing to send anyone a Book of Mormon if they want to read it.  Just send me an email kary_sharee@yahoo.com or write me a note on here.  Also, for those of you who are members and would like to share a favorite passage or how you came to know this book is true in the comments...please do!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Reflections: Prophet and Apostles

This weekend we have had the opportunity to hear from God's prophet and apostles. I testify that just as in days of old when God called prophets and apostles to be witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that He continues to call them today to be special witnesses of Christ. Please click here to hear the witnesses of our modern day prophet and apostles of Christ and here to listen to their messages from this weekend and other leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  The Spirit has testified to me of the truthfulness of their words.  The Spirit also testifies to me that these men are indeed called of God to be His witnesses in these latter days.  God has promised that thru the Holy Ghost we may know the truth of all things. I invite all my friends and family to listen to the words of the prophet and apostles and pray and ask God for yourselves to know the truthfulness of these men as His witnesses and know of the truthfulness of the things in which they speak.  If you are sincere, and ask in faith, doubting nothing, God will answer your prayers.
James 1:5 --
 "5 aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
 But let him aask in bfaith, nothing cwavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."

There were so many of the words spoken in these last two days that spoke to my heart.  There are many things that I need to improve upon.  Their words offered hope and comfort to me as well.  I'm so grateful that God has given us these men to lead and guide us and help us know the truths of the gospel of Christ. 

Perhaps in the next few weeks I will take a talk given by these great men and talk about how they inspire and help me.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Reflection

I have been trying to come up with something to write about today and my mind is blank.  Maybe as I type something will come to me.  Today was Fast and Testimony meeting in church.  This is a day the members of our church go without food for 2 meals and then give the money they would spend for those meals to the church for the poor and the needy. Our Sacrament meeting that day is a time when members of the church are able to get up and share the testimonies they have of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Anyway, I felt the Spirit so strong in the meeting today.  It was so sweet to listen to the heartfelt messages that were shared today.  It is so great to share our testimonies with each other as it edifies and lifts us and helps us want to do better. I woke up in kind of a sour mood this morning so it was great to go to church and feel the Spirit and have my spirit fed.

Every year the women of our church hear messages from the leaders of the church that are specifically for us.  One message stood out to me as I listened tonight.  It was such an uplifting and inspiring message.  I want to share it with all the women I know.  I want them to be uplifted as I was.  Here is the message you can watch if you would like. President Uchtdorf is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I absolutely loved his metaphor.  I suddenly want to fill my home with sweet little Forget Me Nots as a reminder to me of these wonderful things.   Something that really stood out to me was to not forget to be happy now.  Don't wait for our Golden Ticket to be happy.  Sometimes, in our situation,  I find myself wishing and hoping for our Golden Ticket that Kary will be able to see and walk and do things he used to do and for him to be able to start working again.  I find myself wishing that day would come sooner than later. I realized today that I need to be happy with where we are and enjoy what we DO have. I am happy but I don't think I have really appreciated the little things.  When Kary was working I always wished that he could just stay at home and be with us.  Well, what a blessing it is to have Kary home with us and share each moment of our day.  Not many Dads get to experience that. We have 2 beautiful children who are healthy and happy.  We have a home and food to eat.  We have wonderful friends and family surrounding us.  Our life IS beautiful.  We are truly blessed.  Our Father in Heaven has not forgotten us.  He loves us and I know His hand is in our lives and I'm truly grateful that we can depend on Him. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Interactive Blog

I really would like to have this blog be a little more interactive.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subjects and if you feel like you would like to share an experience that goes along that would be lovely too. It's nice to be uplifted and I love hearing other people's thoughts and experiences as well.  Feel free to share. Thanks ya'll!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday Reflections: The Holy Ghost

I read this today on mormon.org :

"The Gift of the Holy Ghost
God comforts, guides and strengthens us through the Holy Ghost.

When Jesus was on the earth, He told a man named Nicodemus, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). After we are "born of water," or baptized, we can be "born […] of the Spirit" by receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. A person with God's authority puts his hands on our heads and gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17). This ceremony is known as confirmation. The Holy Ghost is a Spirit. He is the third member of the Godhead, along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and walk humbly before God He can always be with us. We call it a gift because the Holy Ghost is given to us from God to guide us as we face difficult decisions, comfort us when we are sad, influence our minds and feelings, and help us recognize when something is true. This kind of divine help reminds us that God loves each one of us and wants to help us through the difficulties of our lives."

I love the Holy Ghost!  He has helped me so much in my life.  Learning to recognize his promptings is something that I am still learning.  One of the first times I remember witnessing the power of the Holy Ghost when I was about 14-15.  I don't remember quite how old I was.  Anyway, this was a time that I truly had a desire to know if the things I had been taught about God, Christ, The Restoration of the Gospel, and the Book of Mormon were true.  There is a promise in the Book of Mormon made to all people.  It's in Moroni 10: 4-5.  The last prophet in the Book of Mormon states:
 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would aask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not btrue; and if ye shall ask with a csincere heart, with dreal intent, having efaith in Christ, he will fmanifest the gtruth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of all things.

I decided to test this promise and ask God if Joseph Smith was a true prophet and if the Book of Mormon was true.  I knelt down by my bed one night and prayed.  I asked God if these thing were true.  At first I felt nothing. I was kind of doubting that I would recieve any kind of answer.  I then remembered the scripture in James 1:6 that says, "But let him aask in bfaith, nothing cwavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." 
I realized that in order for me to recieve an answer that I needed to not doubt and truly believe that I would indeed recieve an answer.  My prayer and intent changed and I soon felt a warmth and a light all around me.  A sweet peaceful feeling enveloped me.  It was as if I was being hugged in a warm, loving, embrace.   The thought came to me that yes indeed these things were true. Because I recieved this witness from the Holy Ghost, I felt that I must live my life according to what I now knew to be true.  I truly had a desire to live God's commandments and live the gospel of Jesus Christ restored through Joseph Smith. 
In Galatians 5: 22-23 it talks about the fruits of the Spirit.  Ways that we recognize the Holy Ghost in our lives:  "22 But the afruit of the bSpirit is clove, djoy, epeace, flongsuffering, ggentleness, goodness, hfaith,
 23 aMeekness, btemperance: against such there is no law."

After we have been baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by those with the priesthood authority we are confirmed as members of the Church and recieve the GIFT of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority. We are able to have the Holy Ghost with us as a constant companion if we keep God's commandments. I'm thankful for this gift in my life.  As I said before, learning to recognize his promptings is something I'm still trying to do.  I have realized that his promptings most often, for me, come as quiet thoughts in my mind.  I have had some experience where I have had quiet thoughts and just shrugged them off as if they were my own thoughts and I'm just being silly.  Here are a couple of examples:

When I was single I lived in an apartment complex in a college town.  We had some underground parking which was nice in the winter time, which it happened to be at the time of this learning experience. I had got done hanging out with some friends and was on my way home when it started snowing.  I was soon to arrive at my complex and was planning on parking in the underground parking. I had a thought come to me that I should not park there that night.  I argued with that thought saying that if I did park in the underground parking that I wouldn't have to shovel snow off the car. So not realizing this was a prompting from the Holy Ghost at the time, I ignored the thought and started for the underground parking.  I got in and could not find a place to park and felt deflated and headed back outside.  Just before the exit there was one last spot. I took it.  Though the lot was lit it was still dim and as I left my car I felt that something wasn't quite right and that I should maybe get my keys out to perhaps use them to protect myself if I needed to.  As I approached the staircase I saw that there was a man.  The light was dim and I couldn't make out details so I proceeded thinking that I was just being overly paranoid. When I got within about 7 feet of the man I realized that he was completely naked and doing some not very nice things to himself.  Terrified, I screamed and ran out of the parking lot and also looked back to see him coming towards me yelling, "Wait, I just want some..."  This experience shook me up pretty bad and left me terrified and paranoid to leave my apartment for a long time.  If only I had recognized that quiet thought from the Holy Ghost to not park in the underground parking lot. I would have been spared such a frightening experience.

There was another time I remember specifically recieving a thought and not recognizing it as the Holy Ghost.  It was a Sunday and I woke up not feeling very well.  I had the thought that I should just stay at home. Again, I argued with the thought thinking that I was going to miss out on some great lessons in church.  So, I went.  After church was over my cousin was meeting with the Bishop for something and I had a thought to stay and wait for her.  Again, I did not obey this thought.  So, I got in my car and headed home.  On the way home I was hit on the drivers side by a car that ran a stop sign.  Totalled my car.  Luckily I was being watched over and recieved no serious injury, but had I listened to those thoughts from the Holy Ghost I would have been spared the accident altogether.
Now, I try to remember that when I recieve a thought in my mind that I should just do it. Don't argue. This past week I had a couple of thoughts to do two things.  One was to go talk to an elderly lady in our neighborhood that I have never talked to before and the other was to take a meal to our next door neighbor. I acted on these promptings from the Holy Ghost and I don't know what the purpose for them were but I did it and it felt good!! Maybe the purpose was for the sole intention of bringing ME joy!  Another thought was to start this blog...ha ha!

The Holy Ghost is also a comforter (John 14:26) and has been such to me many times in my life.  Of course the most recent is this past year.  There was a few days soon after we had moved to Idaho that I was feeling apprehensive and scared about what life was going to be like in our future. At night my heart would pound hard and fast as I struggled with the weight that I felt as the sole caregiver and provider for our family, now. One morning the burden seemed heavy and I prayed and asked God to take this burden from me. It was more than I could bear alone.  The Holy Ghost spoke peace to my heart.  Through Christ the burden was lifted.  The Holy Ghost continues to speak peace and comfort to my heart daily for which I'm truly grateful.

I'm also grateful for the Holy Ghost that witnesses to me of my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ.  He witnesses to me when I hear the truth's of the gospel.  I love that Father in Heaven has given us  a way to not be left in the dark.  We have a way to be led to the truth.  We can count on the Holy Ghost to witness the truth to us when we hear it or read it. 

I really hope that I can recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act as I should.  Again, I am sure grateful for the companionship of the Holy Ghost in my life and I hope I will always live so that I'm worthy of this wonderful blessing in my life.