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My husband and I were living the picture perfect life after 5 years of marriage when he was hit with a massive stroke in 2010. He ended up having a craniotomy and was left paralyzed on the left side and legally blind. I was 9 months pregnant at the time with our second child. He was in the hospital for 3 months 4 hours away from us. It has been a roller coaster. Although we never wished this to happen, we have seen so many blessings in our life since his stroke. We are trying to learn all that we must and trying to keep the faith and have a positive attitude. This blog is a place that I can share things that I have learned and continue to learn. You can contact us at kary_sharee@yahoo.com. Read about our experience here http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/karysmith

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday Reflection: July 30, 2011

So I have decided that I would try and write something every Sunday regarding some aspect of the Gospel.  It is good for me to reflect and be reminded of all the wonderful things the gospel brings into my life.  I watched this  Video today and I really enjoyed it and it made me reflect on how much joy and peace is brought into my life knowing that I have a loving Father in Heaven. I know I can go to Him for anything.  I tell him my every day struggles.  I thank Him for all that He has given  me. I ask for comfort and strength to make it through each day.  He is always there for me even when I do something wrong. I need to try and be more like Him as a parent to my own children.  I want to be someone that my kids can come to for comfort and strength and for answers.  I don't want them to be afraid to talk to me. I want them to know how much I love them unconditionally.  To love unconditionally does not mean we don't get reprimanded or scolded for things we have done wrong, however.  We need to be told when we are doing wrong.  We need to be taught what is right. God has given us His commandments. We must obey or suffer the consequences of our actions.  Just because we scold our children and reprimand them does not mean we do not love them.  I would say on the contrary.  We do those things BECAUSE we love our children.  We want to prevent them from getting hurt.  We know of things that will hurt them and do our best to teach them to stay away from those things.  God does the same for us.  That is why we have the commandments.  God also know the things we should do to bring us happiness in this life.  I'm grateful for the tools my Father in Heaven has given me in this life to make it through each day.  I know that when we are obedient to God's laws that we are blessed.
Don't we want to prevent our children from experiencing as much grief and pain as we possibly can by teaching them how to avoid it? That kind of reminds me of a story of a man who needed a wagon full of supplies to be pulled up a steep, narrow mountainside by a team of horses.  He needed a good driver.  He interviewed 3 men.  The first one said he could get within a few inches of the edge without falling off.  The second said he could get as close as he could to the edge without falling off.  The third said he would stay as far away from the edge as possible.  Which did he hire?  Of course, the third one.  We want to teach our children to stay as far away from the edge as possible to prevent anything bad from happening to them.  I have also had a conversation with someone who has said that as long as her kids are happy doing what they are doing she'll let them do it.  Do you see the danger in this?  Being young and innocent, children do not often see the dangers that their actions may bring.  It is our duty to teach them and to warn them of dangers ahead.  How many of us would let our children swim in a river near a whirlpool?  We would want them to stay as far away from it as possible.  So, we would set boundaries for them.  They would know that if they stayed within these boundaries they would be safe, but if they wandered outside of those boundaries that they would be harmed or even killed.  These boundaries are the same as God's commandments for us.
I have rambled a bit.  It's good for me to think about things.  I really want to teach my children to do what is right.  This world is such a crazy world full of dangers.  I hope they will make good choices that will lead them away from danger and keep them safe.  I also know that they will be blessed with happiness if they do make good choices and follow God's commandments.  This is my greatest desire for Colton and Chelsea.  I know they won't be kept from heartache and pain in this life but I hope they will come to the knowledge of their loving Father in Heaven and want to do His will so that He will be there for them at all times.

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