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My husband and I were living the picture perfect life after 5 years of marriage when he was hit with a massive stroke in 2010. He ended up having a craniotomy and was left paralyzed on the left side and legally blind. I was 9 months pregnant at the time with our second child. He was in the hospital for 3 months 4 hours away from us. It has been a roller coaster. Although we never wished this to happen, we have seen so many blessings in our life since his stroke. We are trying to learn all that we must and trying to keep the faith and have a positive attitude. This blog is a place that I can share things that I have learned and continue to learn. You can contact us at kary_sharee@yahoo.com. Read about our experience here http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/karysmith

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Reflection

I have been trying to come up with something to write about today and my mind is blank.  Maybe as I type something will come to me.  Today was Fast and Testimony meeting in church.  This is a day the members of our church go without food for 2 meals and then give the money they would spend for those meals to the church for the poor and the needy. Our Sacrament meeting that day is a time when members of the church are able to get up and share the testimonies they have of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Anyway, I felt the Spirit so strong in the meeting today.  It was so sweet to listen to the heartfelt messages that were shared today.  It is so great to share our testimonies with each other as it edifies and lifts us and helps us want to do better. I woke up in kind of a sour mood this morning so it was great to go to church and feel the Spirit and have my spirit fed.

Every year the women of our church hear messages from the leaders of the church that are specifically for us.  One message stood out to me as I listened tonight.  It was such an uplifting and inspiring message.  I want to share it with all the women I know.  I want them to be uplifted as I was.  Here is the message you can watch if you would like. President Uchtdorf is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I absolutely loved his metaphor.  I suddenly want to fill my home with sweet little Forget Me Nots as a reminder to me of these wonderful things.   Something that really stood out to me was to not forget to be happy now.  Don't wait for our Golden Ticket to be happy.  Sometimes, in our situation,  I find myself wishing and hoping for our Golden Ticket that Kary will be able to see and walk and do things he used to do and for him to be able to start working again.  I find myself wishing that day would come sooner than later. I realized today that I need to be happy with where we are and enjoy what we DO have. I am happy but I don't think I have really appreciated the little things.  When Kary was working I always wished that he could just stay at home and be with us.  Well, what a blessing it is to have Kary home with us and share each moment of our day.  Not many Dads get to experience that. We have 2 beautiful children who are healthy and happy.  We have a home and food to eat.  We have wonderful friends and family surrounding us.  Our life IS beautiful.  We are truly blessed.  Our Father in Heaven has not forgotten us.  He loves us and I know His hand is in our lives and I'm truly grateful that we can depend on Him. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Interactive Blog

I really would like to have this blog be a little more interactive.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subjects and if you feel like you would like to share an experience that goes along that would be lovely too. It's nice to be uplifted and I love hearing other people's thoughts and experiences as well.  Feel free to share. Thanks ya'll!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday Reflections: The Holy Ghost

I read this today on mormon.org :

"The Gift of the Holy Ghost
God comforts, guides and strengthens us through the Holy Ghost.

When Jesus was on the earth, He told a man named Nicodemus, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). After we are "born of water," or baptized, we can be "born […] of the Spirit" by receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. A person with God's authority puts his hands on our heads and gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17). This ceremony is known as confirmation. The Holy Ghost is a Spirit. He is the third member of the Godhead, along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and walk humbly before God He can always be with us. We call it a gift because the Holy Ghost is given to us from God to guide us as we face difficult decisions, comfort us when we are sad, influence our minds and feelings, and help us recognize when something is true. This kind of divine help reminds us that God loves each one of us and wants to help us through the difficulties of our lives."

I love the Holy Ghost!  He has helped me so much in my life.  Learning to recognize his promptings is something that I am still learning.  One of the first times I remember witnessing the power of the Holy Ghost when I was about 14-15.  I don't remember quite how old I was.  Anyway, this was a time that I truly had a desire to know if the things I had been taught about God, Christ, The Restoration of the Gospel, and the Book of Mormon were true.  There is a promise in the Book of Mormon made to all people.  It's in Moroni 10: 4-5.  The last prophet in the Book of Mormon states:
 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would aask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not btrue; and if ye shall ask with a csincere heart, with dreal intent, having efaith in Christ, he will fmanifest the gtruth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of all things.

I decided to test this promise and ask God if Joseph Smith was a true prophet and if the Book of Mormon was true.  I knelt down by my bed one night and prayed.  I asked God if these thing were true.  At first I felt nothing. I was kind of doubting that I would recieve any kind of answer.  I then remembered the scripture in James 1:6 that says, "But let him aask in bfaith, nothing cwavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." 
I realized that in order for me to recieve an answer that I needed to not doubt and truly believe that I would indeed recieve an answer.  My prayer and intent changed and I soon felt a warmth and a light all around me.  A sweet peaceful feeling enveloped me.  It was as if I was being hugged in a warm, loving, embrace.   The thought came to me that yes indeed these things were true. Because I recieved this witness from the Holy Ghost, I felt that I must live my life according to what I now knew to be true.  I truly had a desire to live God's commandments and live the gospel of Jesus Christ restored through Joseph Smith. 
In Galatians 5: 22-23 it talks about the fruits of the Spirit.  Ways that we recognize the Holy Ghost in our lives:  "22 But the afruit of the bSpirit is clove, djoy, epeace, flongsuffering, ggentleness, goodness, hfaith,
 23 aMeekness, btemperance: against such there is no law."

After we have been baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by those with the priesthood authority we are confirmed as members of the Church and recieve the GIFT of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority. We are able to have the Holy Ghost with us as a constant companion if we keep God's commandments. I'm thankful for this gift in my life.  As I said before, learning to recognize his promptings is something I'm still trying to do.  I have realized that his promptings most often, for me, come as quiet thoughts in my mind.  I have had some experience where I have had quiet thoughts and just shrugged them off as if they were my own thoughts and I'm just being silly.  Here are a couple of examples:

When I was single I lived in an apartment complex in a college town.  We had some underground parking which was nice in the winter time, which it happened to be at the time of this learning experience. I had got done hanging out with some friends and was on my way home when it started snowing.  I was soon to arrive at my complex and was planning on parking in the underground parking. I had a thought come to me that I should not park there that night.  I argued with that thought saying that if I did park in the underground parking that I wouldn't have to shovel snow off the car. So not realizing this was a prompting from the Holy Ghost at the time, I ignored the thought and started for the underground parking.  I got in and could not find a place to park and felt deflated and headed back outside.  Just before the exit there was one last spot. I took it.  Though the lot was lit it was still dim and as I left my car I felt that something wasn't quite right and that I should maybe get my keys out to perhaps use them to protect myself if I needed to.  As I approached the staircase I saw that there was a man.  The light was dim and I couldn't make out details so I proceeded thinking that I was just being overly paranoid. When I got within about 7 feet of the man I realized that he was completely naked and doing some not very nice things to himself.  Terrified, I screamed and ran out of the parking lot and also looked back to see him coming towards me yelling, "Wait, I just want some..."  This experience shook me up pretty bad and left me terrified and paranoid to leave my apartment for a long time.  If only I had recognized that quiet thought from the Holy Ghost to not park in the underground parking lot. I would have been spared such a frightening experience.

There was another time I remember specifically recieving a thought and not recognizing it as the Holy Ghost.  It was a Sunday and I woke up not feeling very well.  I had the thought that I should just stay at home. Again, I argued with the thought thinking that I was going to miss out on some great lessons in church.  So, I went.  After church was over my cousin was meeting with the Bishop for something and I had a thought to stay and wait for her.  Again, I did not obey this thought.  So, I got in my car and headed home.  On the way home I was hit on the drivers side by a car that ran a stop sign.  Totalled my car.  Luckily I was being watched over and recieved no serious injury, but had I listened to those thoughts from the Holy Ghost I would have been spared the accident altogether.
Now, I try to remember that when I recieve a thought in my mind that I should just do it. Don't argue. This past week I had a couple of thoughts to do two things.  One was to go talk to an elderly lady in our neighborhood that I have never talked to before and the other was to take a meal to our next door neighbor. I acted on these promptings from the Holy Ghost and I don't know what the purpose for them were but I did it and it felt good!! Maybe the purpose was for the sole intention of bringing ME joy!  Another thought was to start this blog...ha ha!

The Holy Ghost is also a comforter (John 14:26) and has been such to me many times in my life.  Of course the most recent is this past year.  There was a few days soon after we had moved to Idaho that I was feeling apprehensive and scared about what life was going to be like in our future. At night my heart would pound hard and fast as I struggled with the weight that I felt as the sole caregiver and provider for our family, now. One morning the burden seemed heavy and I prayed and asked God to take this burden from me. It was more than I could bear alone.  The Holy Ghost spoke peace to my heart.  Through Christ the burden was lifted.  The Holy Ghost continues to speak peace and comfort to my heart daily for which I'm truly grateful.

I'm also grateful for the Holy Ghost that witnesses to me of my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ.  He witnesses to me when I hear the truth's of the gospel.  I love that Father in Heaven has given us  a way to not be left in the dark.  We have a way to be led to the truth.  We can count on the Holy Ghost to witness the truth to us when we hear it or read it. 

I really hope that I can recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act as I should.  Again, I am sure grateful for the companionship of the Holy Ghost in my life and I hope I will always live so that I'm worthy of this wonderful blessing in my life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday Reflections: September 11, 2011

Each of us come to many crossroads in our lives.  One that I have been thinking about today is the crossroad that Kary and I had to come to as a result of Kary's stroke.  One road led us to bitterness and anger towards God for this experience. The second road led us to love God and trust in Him.  At the beginning I have to say that I stood at the crossroad for a bit and looked down each one and pondered where it would take me.  Granted I love God and have always tried to do what is right but I was hurt and did not understand why such a terrible thing would happen to such a great person as Kary.  I questioned my belief in God.  Yes, I did. Kary's stroke knocked me off my feet where I had stood and felt so sturdy; which was my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   I had to come to a decision whether I would continue to believe in Him and worship Him or be angry and bitter and forget God and His commandments.  After all, I had tried and tried to keep the commandments yet He still allowed something so harsh and hard to happen to my family.  As I looked down that road of turning from God all I saw was sadness, sorrow, bitterness, anger, hopelessness, and despair.  As I looked down the road that leads to God I found a road full of help, hope, happiness, healing, and peace. I have had too many witnesses in my life of God and His goodness and mercy then to choose any other road.  God gives us so much strength. Strength beyond measure.  He has a plan for us and we will trust in it.  Kary has the hardest part of all. He has the pain to endure and the physical restraints.  Yet, he endures.  He trusts.  He loves God.  He has hope for healing.  He is given strength to endure it all.  I'm glad that Kary and I are on this road together.  Our Father's will be done.  We trust in Him to lead us, guide us, and walk beside us. He has, He does, and He will!

Sunday Reflections: September 4, 2011

Do we recognize the blessings of our loving Father in Heaven each day of our lives?  I think that we underestimate His hand in our lives sometimes.  Here are some of the things that show God's hand in our lives. We have food on our table enough to eat, a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, a place to rest our heads every night.  Every day we get to live is a blessing.  We never know when our time will end here on earth.  Every minute we get to spend with our children and loved ones is a direct blessing from God.  Being blessed with healthy, happy children is a blessing. God blesses us with wonderful friends and neighbors who are watchful and mindful of us. He blesses us with strength to carry out our duties each day.  He blesses us with strength to endure trials.  He blesses us with talents.  Really the list is endless.  Every moment, every second, every little thing in our lives from the food we eat to the air we breathe, to having money to provide for our families, to the people in our lives:  All direct blessings from our Father in Heaven.  

I wonder about my friends and family who have no desire to recognize God in their lives.   It's hard for me to fathom.  Is it pure pride and stubborness?  Is it the fact that they want to be independant and not rely on anyone...not even God.  Do they get satisfaction believing that they don't need God in their lives to succeed?  I just want to shake them and tell them how much greater life would be if they WOULD recognize God in their lives and let Him be a part of their lives.  Their lives are a gift from God.  He loves them and yet they rebel and turn away from their one true source of Happiness.  I wonder how they would feel (for those who are parents) if the child they gave life to turned away from them and wanted nothing to do with them. I wish they could understand that that is what they are doing to their Father in Heaven.  Turning from the one who gave them life and everything good in it.  He wants to bless them with everything He has to give.  All they are required to do is to believe in Him and to keep His Commandments.  Do they purposefully turn away from God because their friends and family so desperately desire them to turn to God and they would feel like they were giving in and not being strong and independant?  It's just SO FRUSTRATING to me.  Why do they have to be so stubborn?  Partly its because there are so many people of the world who tell them that they don't need God.  They think that they can be happy and successful without God.  Which in some degree is true but it does not last. True and everlasting peace and happiness will only be found by turning our lives to God, keeping His commandments, and recognizing His hand in our lives.

Sunday Reflection: August 28, 2011

Since Kary's stroke and all the blessings we have recieved we have felt that we need to dedicate our lives more to the Lord.  One of the ways that we have tried to do that is to have daily scripture study as a family.  We read the Book of Mormon last year as a family and we are now reading the New Testament.  It has been so great to read the scriptures because they have given us great comfort and knowledge of our Father in Heaven's plan.  Just tonight we read in 2 Corinthians chapter 4  vs. 17 says, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;"  I just really loved that.  It's just a reminder that if we endure our trials in this life that our reward in Heaven will be great.  It helps us be able to persevere through each day knowing that if we endure well that Father in Heaven will bless us eternally.  The scriptures have been a place that I can go for answers.  We communicate with God through prayer.  If we want to hear his voice we can turn to the scriptures.  So many times I have needed answers in my life and found them in the scriptures.  By studying the scriptures we learn:
 Who we are.
 What we can become.
 Prophecies for us and for our posterity.
 The commandments, laws, ordinances, and covenants we must live by to obtain eternal life.
 And how we must live in order to endure to the end and return to our Heavenly Father with honor.

The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ and bring us closer to Him.  The Bible is the word of God.  The Book of Mormon is also the word of God. The Book of Mormon is a second witness and testament of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is not meant to replace the Bible but to enhance our understanding of the doctrines presented in it. The Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets for us, in our time, to strengthen us. Following His resurrection Jesus Christ visited the American Continent just as he visited the people in Jerusalem.  Jesus tells the people in Jerusalem in John 10:16 :  " And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."   When he visited  the people in America he said, (3rd Nephi 15:21)" And verily I say unto you, that ye are they of whom I said: Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

I love reading the Bible.  I love reading the Book of Mormon. How great it is that we have such powerful witnesses of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Again, I'm grateful for the scriptures and know that by studying them my understanding and love for our Savior Jesus Christ has increased.  Prayers have been answered through them.  My knowledge and understanding of the gospel has increased.  We have a loving Father in Heaven who has given us His word to help us through this life and help us to know how we can return to Him.

Sunday Reflections: August 21, 2011

Today the topic in Sacrament meeting was TESTIMONY.  So, I thought it would be a great topic for my reflection today.  I'm very grateful for the testimony that I have of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have had to rely heavily this past year on the testimony that I have.  After Kary's stroke my testimony was tested to the core.  Kary's stroke was so surreal to me that I couldn't believe it was happening.  I remember waking up in the morning wishing it was a dream and everything would be fine.  I'd pull my pregnant body out of bed and realize it was my worst nightmare in reality.  There were times that I asked myself, "Does God really exist?  Is He really hearing my prayers?  Can I put my faith and trust in the blessings Kary has recieved?  Is all that I have been taught and believed in all these years really true?"  Then I would think of all the things in my life that have happened that witnessed to me that God does hear and answer our prayers.  He is real.  He does love us.  The priesthood power, the power to act in the name of God, is on the earth and Kary's blessings will come to pass if we continue to put our faith and trust in God and do not doubt.   I have had too many witnesses in my life to doubt that God is overall.  He has a plan for each of us.  We all experience trials in our lives.  That's part of the purpose of life, to see how faithful we will be despite hardships and trials.   Some trials are due to our own mistakes or consequences of choices we make or even others mistakes, while other trials are not, but no matter what the circumstances are there is always a way through...a way up and out....a way to PEACE and HAPPINESS. 
I loved the story told today by the speaker of how she was getting ready to go somewhere...maybe camping or something...can't remember now, but how she had the thought to take an extra scrunchy for her hair.  She already had one in her hair and thought that would be enough and didn't take an extra one after all.  Well, while she was gone her scrunchy broke.  She realized then that the Holy Ghost had prompted her to take an extra one.  Heavenly Father loved her so much that He would think of such a small thing that would make her life more pleasant.  She always wore her hair in a pony tail so He knew how much she would want and need that extra scrunchy.  What a testimony that God cares even about the little things in our lives.  God certainly knows us and our needs.  He will provide us all that we need:  Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually.

"Dearest Children, God is near you,
Watching o'er you day and night,
And delights to own and bless you,
If you strive to do what's right.

He will bless you,
He will bless you,
If you put your trust in Him."

Sunday Reflections: August 14, 2011


Today was a great Sabbath day.  The topic in Sacrament Meeting was Faith.  I really liked how one speaker compared faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to light.  Light dispels all darkness.  If we put our faith and trust in Him, He will guide us through times of darkness in our lives. Whether it be sin, discouragement, loneliness, despair, disappointment, or feelings of inadequacy.  The light of Christ is stronger than any darkness we encounter in this life.  If we will just trust in Him and follow Him. Jesus said in John 8: 12 "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

I also love lighthouses and collect them because they are also a reminder to me that when I may feel lost in the fog and in stormy waters that I must look for my one true source of light and I will find my way home.  How grateful I am for my knowledge of Jesus Christ.  I have faith in Him and know that He will lead me on.  I always come back to our situation with Kary.  Our lives were turned upside down.  Kary's stroke definitely threw us for a loop and was nothing we ever expected to happen. We are still kind of in the dark as far as what this all means for our family.  We are learning little by little to walk with faith amid the encircling gloom. One step is enough for us.  We will put our faith in Him and do our best to follow His light.  What peace that light brings us!

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on.
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till the night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile, which I
Have loved long since, and lost awhile!

Sunday Reflections: August 7, 2011

Today was Fast Sunday and Colton bore his testimony again.  He wanted to go up but didn't want to go by himself so I went up with him.  I didn't really want to get up since I got up last month, but Colton is a good motivator.  One thing that I bore a simple testimony of is tithing. I have been thinking about tithing lately and all the blessings I have recieved from paying tithing. I guess that will be my topic for today: Tithing.

One of my favorite scriptures about tithing is Malachi 3: 8-11,

"8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

9Ye are acursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

10Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

11And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts."

I started paying tithing when I was 10 years old.  The blessings I didn't fully understand back then but I did know that I would find money in a pocket every now and then and I was always blessed with babysitting jobs to help me buy school clothes.   

I really gained a deep testimony of tithing and the blessings that come, when I was in college.  I only had a part time job and was going to school full time.  Between paying for school, car, housing, dental, insurance, etc...you get the idea, I had little left for food.  There were a couple of months that I had to make the decision to either pay my tithing or buy food so that I could eat.  I remembered that scripture and knew that I had to pay my tithing.  It was a leap of faith.  One that paid off immeasurably.  Within days of paying my tithing I had a friend who was finished with school, working full time, and living at home who just had the feeling that I needed help.  So, she packed me up in her car and took me grocery shopping.  She paid for 100 dollars worth of groceries, which lasted me quite awhile.  Then I noticed my gas tank in my car.  Usually I had to buy gas every two weeks.  I did nothing different in my daily routine.  I noticed that my gas tank read full for a long time. I thought my fuel gauge must have been broken, but it was not and my fuel lasted me for a whole month.  Another direct blessing of paying tithing.
After Kary and I were married and we had Colton, I quit my job to stay at home with Colton.  This was a financial hardship on us. But, we both knew that if we paid our tithing that the Lord would provide.  Kary decided he needed to find another job.  We felt blessed that he was able to find another job even though it meant him being away longer hours from home.  Well, the very day that Kary was to start this second job his boss at the first job told him not to worry about working a second job and gave Kary a significant pay raise.  We felt that was definitely a direct blessing from paying our tithing.
Recently with circumstances as they are and Kary not working I have not really been too worried about our financial situation because I know that if we pay our tithing and keep God's commandments that God will provide for our needs.  He has and He does and He will.  I know this with all my heart to be true.  When we moved out of my Grandma's and into our own little place I figured we could be there for 6 months before depleting all our savings.  As you know, we were there for about a year and our savings is still mostly in tact.  It's almost hard to comprehend.  These are a few of the experiences and blessings we have recieved from paying tithing.  I could go on.  I have a sweet peace knowing that God fulfills all his promises if we do as He asks.  I know that if we pay our tithing that the windows of heaven WILL open and the blessings WILL poor down upon us.  My family and I have witnessed it and know it is true.

Sunday Reflection: July 30, 2011

So I have decided that I would try and write something every Sunday regarding some aspect of the Gospel.  It is good for me to reflect and be reminded of all the wonderful things the gospel brings into my life.  I watched this  Video today and I really enjoyed it and it made me reflect on how much joy and peace is brought into my life knowing that I have a loving Father in Heaven. I know I can go to Him for anything.  I tell him my every day struggles.  I thank Him for all that He has given  me. I ask for comfort and strength to make it through each day.  He is always there for me even when I do something wrong. I need to try and be more like Him as a parent to my own children.  I want to be someone that my kids can come to for comfort and strength and for answers.  I don't want them to be afraid to talk to me. I want them to know how much I love them unconditionally.  To love unconditionally does not mean we don't get reprimanded or scolded for things we have done wrong, however.  We need to be told when we are doing wrong.  We need to be taught what is right. God has given us His commandments. We must obey or suffer the consequences of our actions.  Just because we scold our children and reprimand them does not mean we do not love them.  I would say on the contrary.  We do those things BECAUSE we love our children.  We want to prevent them from getting hurt.  We know of things that will hurt them and do our best to teach them to stay away from those things.  God does the same for us.  That is why we have the commandments.  God also know the things we should do to bring us happiness in this life.  I'm grateful for the tools my Father in Heaven has given me in this life to make it through each day.  I know that when we are obedient to God's laws that we are blessed.
Don't we want to prevent our children from experiencing as much grief and pain as we possibly can by teaching them how to avoid it? That kind of reminds me of a story of a man who needed a wagon full of supplies to be pulled up a steep, narrow mountainside by a team of horses.  He needed a good driver.  He interviewed 3 men.  The first one said he could get within a few inches of the edge without falling off.  The second said he could get as close as he could to the edge without falling off.  The third said he would stay as far away from the edge as possible.  Which did he hire?  Of course, the third one.  We want to teach our children to stay as far away from the edge as possible to prevent anything bad from happening to them.  I have also had a conversation with someone who has said that as long as her kids are happy doing what they are doing she'll let them do it.  Do you see the danger in this?  Being young and innocent, children do not often see the dangers that their actions may bring.  It is our duty to teach them and to warn them of dangers ahead.  How many of us would let our children swim in a river near a whirlpool?  We would want them to stay as far away from it as possible.  So, we would set boundaries for them.  They would know that if they stayed within these boundaries they would be safe, but if they wandered outside of those boundaries that they would be harmed or even killed.  These boundaries are the same as God's commandments for us.
I have rambled a bit.  It's good for me to think about things.  I really want to teach my children to do what is right.  This world is such a crazy world full of dangers.  I hope they will make good choices that will lead them away from danger and keep them safe.  I also know that they will be blessed with happiness if they do make good choices and follow God's commandments.  This is my greatest desire for Colton and Chelsea.  I know they won't be kept from heartache and pain in this life but I hope they will come to the knowledge of their loving Father in Heaven and want to do His will so that He will be there for them at all times.