I was thinking the other night about my life. I was thinking about how different my life has been from what my expectations of my life would be when I was younger. How different God's plan for me has been from what my own plan was. Different in some ways but I guess in the most important matters such as family and faith they are the same. My ultimate goal was to have a family and raise them to be active in our faith and gain strong testimonies of our Father in Heaven and His Plan of Salvation and never stray from it. (Got a little ways to go before I know if my kids will stay true but I will try to do my best to teach them to love God and to help them understand how much He loves them and wants what is best for them and to teach them the importance of obeying His laws and how if they do that, obeying will bring them the greatest blessings and the greatest peace and happiness._ Anyway went off on a tangent there for a sec. Back to God's plan and my plan. My plan was to go to 2 year college, graduate, meet the man of my dreams, get married at 19-20, have ten kids and live perfectly happy forever after. God's plan so far for me has been go to college, serve an 18 month mission for our church in California, work for 2 years, work more and go back to school for another 2 years, and then at 27 get married. Have first child with a somewhat complicated pregnancy that possibly put Colton at risk of not making it full term. Then struggle to get pregnant second time for 3 years. Life was still very good and wonderful but just missing the opportunity to have another child. Then miraculously we got pregnant with Chelsea and felt extremely blessed. Nine months later Kary has his stroke that turns us upside down and around. Which gets me thinking about roller coasters.... (But before I go on about roller coasters I have to get back to my original thought about how glad I am that the plan I had all worked up at a young age isn't God's plan. His plan has turned out so much better!) Back to roller coasters...

I LOVE roller coasters and we have all heard of how life is like a roller coaster. Well, shoot, it really is. Ha ha! Ups and downs and arounds. I love the anticipation when I first get on and I don't know what I'm in for. I love how it starts out slow and then speeds up and then whisks us around and up to the sky and then that pit in my stomach I get right as I reach the top of the roller coaster as I anticipate, and dread at the same time, the drop that I know is coming and I get kind of nervous and scared. And then the screams come flyin' out of my mouth as I feel like I'm dropping to my death but before I hit I'm whisked back up again and then sometimes it does the loopy loops and I'm turned upside down and get confused as to what right side up is but eventually figure it out as the coaster sets right side up again Yeah, life IS like that. Despite the fear I sometimes feel during the ride, in the long run I thoroughly enjoy the ride and anticipate riding the next one. Lately I have been kind of been more like dreading rather than anticipating what God's roller coaster ride is going to have in store for me next. Kary's stroke was definitely a downfall and yet at the same time we have felt that feeling in your stomach you get when you fall that makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. We have felt to cry, we have suffered, and yet we have reason to rejoice and have witnessed many blessings and miracles that make us smile. I am really going to try and make a conscious effort to anticipate and look forward to the ride I'm on...anticipate the ups and the downs and look at it as a good challenge for learning and growth as I know in the end when the ride is done, after having hung on for dear life and thoroughly enjoyed the ups and endured the downfalls and loopy loops I will look back and realize what a fun ride it has been after all. Yee-haw!
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