Yes I was taught to believe in God our Father, and our Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, I went to church every week with my family even if there were days that I didn't necessarily want to. Yes, for a time I believed what I was taught because my parents believed and wanted me to believe it. There comes a time in every person's life when they question the things they believe. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I don't remember how old I was exactly but I think it was around probably fourteen our fifteen that I wanted to know if the things my parents taught me about the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ was true. I thought about the story of Joseph Smith and how he as a young boy wanted to know which church to join. There was so much confusion for him as each church he visited had different interpretations of Bible passages. He wanted to know which church taught the truth and then join up with that church. He read in James 1:5 that says,
So he did pray to God and received an answer. I decided if he could pray and receive an answer then I could too. I did pray and received an answer. We are taught that the Holy Ghost testifies of Christ and helps us know the truths that were taught by Christ. We are taught the fruits of the Spirit or the Holy Ghost so that we know when he is testifying truth to us. When I prayed, I felt peace in my heart and felt love all around me. I knew this was answer to my prayer that what I was learning was true. I had a desire to follow Jesus Christ. I have tried my whole life to live as God would have me live. I fall short every day, but the desire is there and the atonement of Jesus Christ that allows me to repent and be forgiven is real. Because of the joy I have felt through living the gospel and because of the love and forgiveness I have received, I desire to share it with others. In Mark 16:15 Christ taught his disciples, "Go ye into all the world, and
When Kary had his stroke, my faith took a beating from the storm. I questioned everything all over again. I wondered how God could have let this happen when I have tried my whole life to be good and serve him. I questioned whether God existed because if he did, surely he wouldn't have allowed this to happen to my family. But then I remembered and thought back in all the times in my life that I felt His presence. I Remembered how he had answered my prayers in various ways at other times in my life.. THERE was no denying what I had experienced then. I realized that God was with me. HE WAS carrying me and giving me strength that I could not have received from anyone else, nor could have mustered up the strength on my own. I felt His love for me. I continue to feel His love for me. Everyday. He brings me peace and comfort. He drank the bitter cup for me. He took upon himself my sins, my pains, my sorrow, and my suffering so that I don't have to suffer and so that he could succor me in my times of need. There is nothing He does not understand because He descended below us all. He suffered all. This I know and am so grateful for because I have HOPE in Him!
Why do people wish to deny the existence of our Great Creator? To me, it is like a child turning from the parents who gave them life and not acknowledging how they came to be. It would break any parent's heart to have their child turn away from them and never want anything to do with them.
Hampton Keathley IV, co founder of said this about why people deny the existence of God, "When people deny the existence of God, whatever reason they give is just an excuse under the real reason, which is, (I don’t want to be responsible to God. I want to do whatever I want.)"
I have kind of thought that about people who deny God. If there is no God, there is no eternal consequence to my actions for good or bad so I will eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow I will die!
My invitation to anyone who is questioning the existence of God and truly wants to know, that they should study God's words in the Bible and Book of Mormon, ponder on it, then pray to God and ask Him to let you know He is there and I promise you will know of a surety, as I know, that He lives and He loves you.